Membership, Donations & Sponsorships
The Northwest Colorado Arts Council relies on donations, sponsorships, memberships, grants, and contributions to support our initiatives and programs. We work to fulfill our mission of creating avenues for freedom of expression and providing pathways for the development of the arts and humanities. We promote inclusiveness, creative excellence, and arts advocacy--- all of which improve the quality of life in our community. We accept donations throughout the year from individuals, families, estates, charitable organizations, businesses, schools, government agencies and nonprofits. We also offer a variety of membership and sponsorship opportunities, allowing you the ability to choose the option that is best for you. Details on donations, sponsorships and memberships can be found by scrolling below. Most importantly, you don’t need to be an artist to support the ARTS!
Membership is the first step to supporting the arts and strengthening community bonds. Membership benefits include invitations to special event previews and exhibits, members-only network events and opportunities to submit artwork for local open-call exhibits. January is designated as our annual membership month for new members and renewals. Become a member today by choosing a membership level that is right for you.
Individual Membership - $40
Student Membership - $30 (full-time)
Senior Membership - $30 (60+)
Family Membership - $100 (up to 4 immediate family members)
Support local arts and culture by choosing the sponsorship level that provides the marketing support appropriate for your business and/or organization. By financially supporting the Northwest Colorado Arts Council, you contribute directly to the quality of life in our community. Arts and cultural activities actively stimulate business development and promote a diversified economy.
As a 501(c)3, the Northwest Colorado Arts Council is a registered charitable organization. Sponsorships over $100 are tax deductible.
Creative Level Sponsorship $100
Listed on
Recognized as sponsor on social media
Receive window cling “This business supports the arts in Northwest Colorado”
Performing Level Sponsorship $250
All previously listed perks
Listed in Articulture Gallery quarterly programs
Partnership Level Sponsorship $500+
All previously listed perks
Listed with logo on
Listed with logo in Articulture Gallery quarterly programs
Featured in an email blast to the Arts Council mailing list
Receive 2 VIP tickets to one NWCAC event
Recognized at all Northwest Colorado Arts Council events
If you simply want to support the mission of the Northwest Colorado Arts Council without the perks of membership or sponsorship, then please contribute a donation.
As a 501(c)3, the Northwest Colorado Arts Council is a registered charitable organization. Donations over $100 are tax deductible.